Tokio Simple Life

SME Plus

Cover tailored for your business according to your needs and budget.

What is SME Plus

It is a comprehensive plan which can be tailored to be a complete risk management solution for businesses, based on preferred industry segments and risk appetite, aligning to our business partners’ objectives.

Product information

Plan overview

  • Plan term
  • Annual renewal
  • Premium
  • Contact us for a quote

Smart 1 - Basic coverage (compulsory)

Safeguard your property and physical assets, and fulfil your legal obligations.

(Choose minimum one from below)

1. Fire and special perils

Cover loss or damage to your property caused by fire, lightning and domestic explosion. For an additional premium, you can extend coverage to these risks:

  • Aircraft damage.
  • Explosion.
    • Industrial with/without boilers.
    • Non-industrial with/without boilers.
  • Impact damage (including your own vehicle).
  • Bursting or overflowing of water tanks apparatus or pipes.
  • Riot, strike and malicious damage.
  • Damage by falling trees, or by branches and object from there.
  • Cold storage clauses A and B.
  • Sprinkler leakage (on building and contents).
  • Electrical installations clauses A and B.
  • Earthquake and volcanic eruption.
  • Storm/tempest.
  • Flood.

2. All risks

Cover for loss or damage to property insured caused by fire, burglary, accidental damage and other causes not specifically excluded under the policy. Includes:

  • Mobile items, i.e., notebook, camera, handphone, etc.
  • Non-mobile items, i.e., office equipment, computer, electronic equipment, etc.
  • High exposure risk items. For instance, jewellery, stock-in-trade, equipment used for underwater activities, tower crane/mobile crane, and offshore machinery tools.
Protect your physical assets and fulfil your legal obligations.

(Choose minimum one from below)

1. Glass

Cover against accidental breakages to the fixed glass at your premises.

2. Fidelity Guarantee

Cover against any direct pecuniary loss you may sustain through act (dishonesty) by your employee such as act(s) of forgery, embezzlement, larceny or fraudulent conversion. The coverage is not limited to loss of monies but also cover loss of real property and merchandise (stock-in-trade) belonging to you.

3. Burglary

Cover property that belongs to you or is held by you in trust or on commission, against

  • Loss by theft resulting from forcible and violent entry
  • Any attempt thereat including Armed Robbery and Hold-up

4. Machinery Breakdown

Cover against sudden and unforeseen physical damage to your machinery whether at work or at rest and during cleaning, inspection, over-hauling, and removal to another position within the premises during subsequent re-erection.

5. Public Liability

Cover against all sum which you shall become legally liable to pay for compensation in respect of:
i)  Bodily injury or illness to Third Party;
ii) Loss of or damage to third party property
as a result of an accident arising out of your negligence

6. Employer’s Liability

Cover against liability at law to pay compensation to your employee (s) including costs and expenses in respect of accidental bodily injury or disease arising out of and in the course of employment. 

7. Money

Cover money that is

  • Lost
  • Destroyed
  • Damaged

whilst in transit or kept in your premises as stated in the Policy Schedule

Smart 1 - Other Optional Covers

1. Fire Consequential Loss

Cover against loss of profits resulting from business interruption or interference in consequence of loss or destruction or damage to Insured's property under the Fire policy subject to the terms, exceptions and conditions of the policy

2. Electronic Equipment

Cover against any unforeseen and sudden loss or damage to the computers, accessories and peripherals (if insured) from any accidental causes other than those specifically excluded.

Smart 2 - Optional Cover

Protect your biggest asset – your employees

1. Group Hospitalization Scheme (GHS)

Cover for medical treatment costs incurred by your employee(s) for hospitalization due to accidents or sickness.

2. Group Personal Accident (GPA)

Cover for bodily injury sustained by your employees caused by accidental means.

3. Group Term Life (GTL)

Cover for death, total and permanent disability, dread diseases and infectious diseases sustained by your employees.

Smart 3 - Optional Cover

Coverage for what matters most, your health and well-being

1. Major Motor Medical

Cover for Daily Hospital Income and/or Daily ICU/High Dependency Unit (HDU) in the event you suffer an injury and is confined to a hospital due to motor accident. 

2. Cancer LoanBreak

Cover for 12 monthly loan instalments when you receive treatment of either Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy for cancer or being diagnosed with Terminal Cancer.

3. MosBite

Cover for stated lump sum benefit in the event you are diagnosed with Dengue Fever.

4. Travel Partner

Cover for the benefit(s) stated in the event occurring while you are travelling (Domestic & International).

5. Medic Partner

Cover for medical costs incurred by you for hospitalization due to accidents or sickness.

6. PA Partner

Cover for bodily injury caused by accidental means which result in death, permanent disablement or medical and/or surgical treatment. You may choose either one of the following PA Partner products:

  • Flexi PA Partner – Basic PA coverage with flexible sum insured at insured’s option
  • Premier PA Partner –Wide range of PA coverage with 8 plan options

7. Houseowner/Householder

Cover for loss/damage to building and contents caused by fire, lightning, explosions, flood, and burst pipe or by other perils listed in the policy.

Have a question? Speak to us today

Our Customer Service Personnel are ready to answer your enquiries and provide assistance.

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