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Central Provident Fund (CPF)
Compulsory savings and pension plan for working Singaporeans and Permanent Residents.
Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme
Protect policy owners in the event of failure of your life or general insurer, who is a PPF Scheme member.
Financial Industry Dispute Resolution Centre (FIDReC)
A premier institution specialising in the resolution of financial disputes between consumers and financial institutions.
General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA)
A trade association with a mission to make general insurance more accessible, transparent and user-friendly.
LIA-IMAS Fund Information Services
The FundSingapore portal is a collaboration between Lipper, IMAS, and LIA, in an effort to provide investors with good and timely information about all the unit trusts and investment-linked life insurance products that are available for sales in Singapore.
Life Insurance Association Singapore (LIA)
A not-for-profit trade body of life insurance product providers and life reinsurance providers based in Singapore and licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
The Monetary Authority of Singapore is the central bank of Singapore. Their mission is to promote sustained non-inflationary economic growth, and a sound and progressive financial centre.
Singapore College of Insurance
A not-for-profit professional training and education body focused on upgrading the technical expertise of insurance and financial services practitioners, and to provide them with professional advancement opportunities through a series of practice-oriented programmes and internationally-accredited qualifications.
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