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For our commitment to serving the community, TMLS has been recognized under the Leadership for Good Category for our leadership to bring about a social change.
Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore wins Insurance Asia Awards for our excellent effort in Corporate Social Responsibility & Marketing.
Chosen from a distinguished group of entrants, we have been recognized for our extraordinary dedication towards upholding our core Good Company tenets; Empowering Our People, Delivering On Commitments and Looking Beyond Profit.
Conducted annually since 2000, the Asian Local Currency Bond Benchmark Review employs a rigorous approach supported by stringent methodology and data analytics, to recognise institutions and individuals who are at the top of their class.
Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore wins Insurance Asia Awards for our exceptional commitment to Innovation, Quality, Branding Activities, Customer Service & Performance.
Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore wins two awards for the notable contributions of our CEO Christopher Teo, as well as for our COVID management initiatives.
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