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By clicking on “Continue to external site” below, you will leave Tokio Marine Insurance Group’s website and you will be redirected to a third party website.
We are aware that Golden Egg Entertainment Pte Ltd’s voicemail through tel no. +65 6817 1830 states that they are Tokio Marine’s customer service. Please be advised that Golden Egg Entertainment Pte Ltd is not affiliated, associated, and have not been authorized, endorsed or in any way officially connected with Tokio Marine, and they are not our customer service.
Tokio Marine has already sent a cease and desist demand to Golden Egg Entertainment Pte Ltd to prevent them from misusing our name.
In the meantime, please do not reveal any personal, insurance, bank account, credit card or one-time pin (OTP) details over the phone if contacted through the above number, or by Golden Egg Entertainment Pte Ltd, or by any other party. If in doubt, please contact our customer service hotline +65 6592 6100.
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