TM Link ProteksiKu is a Unit-Linked Life Insurance product designated in Rupiah with Regular Premium payments.
Benefits at a glance.
Coverage benefit
An opportunity to have insurance coverage with a high Sum Assured and an affordable Premium requirement.
Investment benefit
Investment flexibility since the first Policy year to maximize your investment plan for your financial needs.
How to decide if this suitable for you
This is suitable if you want:
✔︎ Whole Life Insurance.
✔︎ Flexibility on Premium payments and an investment plan.
✔︎ Basic insurance where you can add any rider based on your needs
✖︎ Life protection only
✖︎ Sharia-based insurance
Features of Link Wealth Enhancement.
Additional riders to enhance your protection.
Provides additional benefits you can customise to your needs, including Hospital and Surgery Rider (Brochure and Product Information Summary attached).
This product is covered by PT Tokio Marine Life Insurance Indonesia. All benefits and features mentioned herein are subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy. You should refer to the Policy contract for details of the terms and conditions of this insurance product.
Note: Purchasing a life insurance policy is a long term commitment. Termination of the Policy from the beginning can cause the return of the Premium to be received may be less than the total Premium paid.
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TM Peace of Mind Plus
The security of life coverage. The assurance of premium refunds.
TM Warisan
Gak Perlu Ribet, Gak Perlu Ribut
TM Optima Health Hospital & Surgery
TM Idaman
Merem-Melek Untung
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